正副主席 - 林宛洁,周芋思,邓郡泓
- 求主亲自带领委员会,并赐正副主席聪明智慧来带领学员委员会,使我们所做的能合神心意,蒙神悦纳。
文书 - 卓婉琴,林宛霖,苏主恩
- 求主帮助文书,能够与各部门有很好的协调,把每个星期的活动、报告及代祷事项准确的刊登在秩序单上,好让培训的弟兄姐妹更了解培训的动向。
- 求主赐文书一颗爱人的心,能够体恤委员的需要,并想出好的计划来促进委员之间的关系。
- 求主赐文书创意的思维,能设计出吸引人的布告栏,让教会的弟兄姐妹更认识培训。
财政 - 沈怡瑾
- 求主帮助财政能细心、谨慎地点算每个星期的奉献,并妥善处理所有的收据和培训的钱财。
总务 - 谢文瀚,孙杰汉
- 求主帮助委员能继续有很好的配搭,并有一颗谦卑的心愿意栽培较年幼的委员。
音乐 - 卓全美,陈宇松,邱镇延
- 求主赐委员聪明智慧能改进培训的赞美敬拜,也求主亲自带领培训的弟兄姐妹对敬拜有正确的观念。
接待 - 黄凤霖,罗正洋
- 求主看顾所有的接待员,让他们每个星期能准时到教会值班,并能有很好的沟通与配搭。
- 求主帮助培训里的弟兄姐妹有责任感,每个星期都会自动把自己的名片放回正确的盒子,班长也会记得把点名册放回原处。
- 求主赐所有委员良好的时间分配,能够应付家庭、学业以及在教会的事奉,为主做光做盐,荣耀主的名。
- 求主赐所有委员一颗喜乐的心,能够尽心尽力地事奉,并享受整个过程。
- 求主赐所有委员健康的身心灵,养成读经祷告的好习惯,每天亲近主,与神建立亲密的关系。
少年培训导师团 - 余霖,程国团,贺颖珊,曾梅珍,林媛媛,吴丽宁,王恩显。
青年培训导师团 - 许丁毅长老,育伟传道,杜镇森,梁慧明,白志坚长老,李颖,陈攸南长老,洪国华。
1. 求神赐导师智慧,能够更好的来教导青少年,以生命影响生命。大部份的导师在事奉上都身兼多职,求主怜悯他们,使他们能平衡事奉与生活。
2. 为少年部导师祷告 - 为了更好的关怀学生,今年我们把中一和中二合班,中三和中四合班,每班有三到四位导师。这样的安排减少老师备课的次数,腾出的时间能做关怀的工作。
3. 为青年部导师祷告 - 求主预备师资。
4. 为培训的课程祷告 - 叶传道带领少年部几位导师,着手编写培训课程。求主赐智慧,让我们能有一个为本堂少年量身定做的课程。
为青少年培训祷告 - 愿神大大使用这个事工,帮助青少年做主门徒,传主福音。
Youth Bible School Prayer Meeting
Prayer Request
Youth Bible School Student Committee
Chairpersons: Sophia Lim, Veronica Chew, Kenneth Tung
- Pray for God to lead the committee, and bless the chairpersons with wisdom and knowledge to lead the committee, so that in whatever we do is pleasing to God and according to his will.
Administration: Roxanne Toh, Janice Lim, Christine Soh
- Pray that God help them to have good co-ordination work with the other departments to collate information such as the activities for the week, announcements and prayer requests, accurately for the bulletin, so as to let the students know more about YBS's latest updates.
- Pray that God give them a caring heart, to understand the needs of the committee, and to come up with good ideas to foster better relationships between committee members.
- Pray that God give them creativity, to design an attractive bulletin board, allowing church members to know more about YBS.
Treasury: Gladys Sim
- Pray that God help the treasurer to be meticulous and careful in accounting for offering every week, and to do proper accounting for the receipts and money in YBS.
Logistics: Xie Wenhan, Timothy Sng
- Pray that God help them to continue to have good co-ordination, and a humble heart to teach the younger members.
Music: Toh Quan Mei, Yu Song, Zane Yew - Pray that God give them wisdom and knowledge to improve praise and worship in YBS, and to guide them as they lead the students to have a correct perspective of worship.
Ushering: Jasmine Ng, Loh Zheng Yang
- Pray for God's protection on the ushers, to be punctual for their duties, and to have good communication and co-ordination among themselves.
- Pray that the students will be responsible to put back their name tags to the correct containers, and also for class leaders to put the registers to their proper places.
All Committee Members
- Pray that God bless them with good time management, to be able to juggle between, family life, studies and their ministries in church, so as to be the salt and light of the Lord.
- Pray that God bless them with a heart of joy, to serve with all their heart and abilities, and also enjoy their ministry.
- Pray that God bless them with a healthy physical body and spiritual life, to cultivate the good habit of reading the bible and prayer. And to have their quiet time every day, so as to build a closer relationship with God.
YBS Teachers
Teaching students ages 13-16: Yu Lin, Sunny, Ying Shan, Zeng Mei Zhen, Lin Yuan Yuan, Wu Li Ning, Rain Ong.
Teaching students ages 17-20: Eld. Justin Khor, Pr. Willy Liu, Vincent Toh, Liang Hui Ming, Eld. Peh Chee Kian, Ida, Eld Chen Liu Nan, Hong Guo Hua.
1. Pray that God bless the teachers with wisdom to teach the students, using their lives to influence others. Pray for God's mercy on the teachers as many of them have multiple roles in church, pray that they can strike a balance between their ministry and their lives.
2. Pray for those teaching the youths - to be able to care more for the students. This year, the Sec1s and Sec2s combine class, likewise for the Sec3s and Sec4s. Every class has 3-4 teachers. This is done to lessen the number of lessons each teacher has to prepare, so as to do more pastoral care.
3. Pray for more teachers to teach the adolescents.
4. Pray for the curriculum of YBS - Pr Yip has led a group of teachers to draft out the curriculum for YBS. Pray for God to bless them with wisdom, so as to create a curriculum suited for the youths in our church.
Pray that God use this ministry in a great way, to help youths become disciples for Chirst, and to spread the gospel.