Holy Week sharing / 受难周分享

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

This week marks the Holy Week in the Christian calender. As we remember how Christ died for us on the sins when He has no sins at all, He rose from the dead and give us Hope. Let us share on what Easter means to you.


这星期是受难周。 让我们在思想我们的主耶稣,一个无罪的人却为我们而死。可是,他在三天后复活给我们盼望。让我们一同分享复活节对我们有什么意义。

Maundy Thursday service 受难礼拜

The church Chinese congregation will be holding a special service this Thursday (1st April 2010) at 8pm in the Main sanctuary. This service to remember the day when Christ agrees to die for our sins. Brothers and sisters are encouraged to attend this service and partake the Holy Communion.


Holy Week devotional materials- Mon to Wed

Dear all,

Devotional materials for Mon to Wed.

Monday March 29, The Pharisees dispute the authority of Jesus & the Mt. Olivet discourse is given

Tuesday March 30, Judas agrees to betray Jesus

Wednesday March 31, The New Covenant of Jesus. God agrees to die for our sins; therefore death has "Passed us Over." The Feast of the Lord's Passover is fulfilled

Devotional materials are taken from http://www.basicchristian.org

L.I.F.E. - Love

We are tempted by worldly things like money and lust. With temptations standing in the way, this cause us to be away from God. However, God is always there waiting for us to run back to Him.

Experience the Last Supper

Come and experience how it might have been like to partake of the Lord's supper with similar food that Jesus and his disciples might have had on the night of his betrayal.

Come with a humble heart and open mind, that we may gain a deeper understanding of the significance of the Lord's final supper on earth, that we may ultimately be prepared to partake of his banquet when he comes again.

This is a combined event between 青年团契 和 青成团契

Date: 3rd April 2010

Time : 7pm - 830pm

Venue : Glory Presbyterian Church, 长老会荣耀堂

Fees : $5 per pax ( U.P $15)
(Price is subsidised by the 团契)

Please make your payment to the respective 团契 ICs.

Attendance to be confirmed by Monday, 29th March 2010.

You can also reply your attendance on Facebook. - The Lord's Supper -Event

For more information, please contact Bro Shi Jia ( 青成团契) or Sis Corrine (青年团契)

27 因此,无论什么人若用不合适的态度吃主的饼,喝主的杯,就是得罪主的身体、主的血了。28 所以人应当省察自己,然后才吃这饼,喝这杯。
歌林多前书 11:27-28


A video for us, as christians to reflect.

Easter 10 day timeline Devotion Jesus Walk for Jesus Walk for Easter Week 2010

Dear all,

As we enter the coming week. A week before Easter. Let us take some time to reflect and think of what our Lord, Jesus Christ have been through. Let us together truely understand the meaning of Easter.

GUM Media will be providing you with a 10 days Jesus Walk devotional materials for Easter.

Do use these materials for your quiet time and may you be blessed by the Holy Spirit from the Word.

Introduction - An Introduction and getting started on our journey with Jesus

TimeLine A Timeline and Biblical explanation of the events of the Ten Days

26th March 2010 ( Friday) Meeting up with Jesus and His disciples in Bethany

27th March 2010 ( Saturday) Palm Saturday the Triumphal Entry of King Jesus into Jerusalem, the Feast of Sabbath is fulfilled

28th March 2010 (Sunday) Jesus cleanses the Temple of moneychangers

devotional materials are taken from http://www.basicchristian.org

最痛的时候 - 主为我们受死,为的是把我们从罪中拯救出来。

Dear fellow brothers & sisters in Christ,

This month is the month of Lent. And in 2 weeks time, we remember the day Jesus rose from the dead. Have you ponder on why our King, with no sins would die for us? Reason being very simple. Because of His Love for us.

Let us take a moment to think about how great his love has for us. Let us think about the route Christ walked thru with the pain, mockings for us.

A king, with no sins died for us on the cross.

"16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[f] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son." John 4:16-18


May this video be a simple devotional video for your day ahead.

For those who has the 感动, feel free to share your thoughts on the video with our fellow Brothers & Sisters in Christ. Let us encourage each other through our simple sharing and grow together as a body in Christ :)