Testimonial sharing

Dear all,

I guessed many of you have heard about this popular artiste by the name of Sammi, 鄭秀文. Here is a life-changing testimonial for you to watch. Do share it with your friends how God have changed her life. She suffered from depression for a few years and she is back with a change. This change was because of the love of our Lord, Jesus Christ who have changed her.

Share this video with your friends and spread the love of the Lord.

Song Sharing - The Servant King

May this song be a reminder to us that we are sinners. Because of His great love for us, He came to earth and died for us all on the cross for our sins.

He was a king, but He came to serve instead of to being served.

As leaders, let us all see our Lord, Jesus Christ as our example to be a servant leader.

May this song be a song of reminder for all of us.

Duty of a christian

May this video and song be a reminder for all of us - Duty of a Christian

Song sharing

For those who are having your prelims ( O levels, N levels, A levels, University mid-terms exams)or even those at work, be it full time, internship, I would like to share this song with all of us. May this song be a encouragement to all!

We do not know about tomorrow. But there is one God who knows. He knows our future, He has already plans to where we will be. He is always there to lead us because no matter what the circumstances, He will hold our hands and walk with us.

May the following story "Footprints" be an encouragement to everyone!

Have a great week ahead!

Change of Venue 更改地点

Dear all,

Please be advised that Youth Bible School will be held in 1st Music Room on 10 Oct 2010.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,
GUM Media



青少年多媒体 敬启

Ask Pastor!

Any burning questions about spritual warfare, christianity etc? Email our friendly cousellors at gummies@gmail.com

Sisters Day 2010 Memories - The moments

More videos on the way...

Be An Example in Purity


Adapted from SBC publication Pray for Us, May/June 2010, No. 223,
authored by Dr. Albert Ting, principal of Singapore Bible College (SBC), addressed to the 57th Graduating Class of SBC

I want to encourage you to pay attention to the cultivation of personal holiness. As Paul reminded Timothy, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim 4:12, NIV)," so we must also heed his exhortations seriously today. Be an example in purity!

In the uphill battle to uphold personal holiness, we are confronted with at least three challenges:

1. Instant Access
We are in an age where instant access to all sorts of data and information is readily available. The good news is that we have shortened the time of searching for vital information, but the bad news is that we are fully exposed to all kinds of distractions, including seductive and pornographic sites. When we are stressed out or lonely, we may be tempted to spend time surfing the internet and drift to these dangerous content.

2. Baggage
Some of us carry baggage from the past that has not been properly dealt with. We may have managed to be in control and learnt how to live with it. However, under intense pressure over a prolonged period of time, the contents of the baggage spill into our ministry. They may be old habits that have resurfaced or old wounds that have reopened, making us vulnerable to the onslaught of the Devil. They may also be long-buried doubts and identity criss that resurrect to haunt us. Our personal holiness can easily be compromised when we are assaulted by our unresolved past.

3. Anonymity
One of the baits of temptation is anonymity. The promise of privacy offers a safe haven for imaginations to run wild. It also emboldens us to cross the boundary towards the dark side. Furthermore, because it is not exposed, it tends to be repeated. Temptations will meet the path of least resistance under the cover of darkness, leaving little room for personal holiness.

As we seek to be faithful servants of Jesus Christ by labouring diligently in the ministry of the church, let us remember that one of the greatest blessings we can give to the church is to live a holy life. It takes intentional cultivation to overcome the seduction of the flesh:

(1) Be committed to an accountability group because accountability takes away the lure of anonymity;
(2) Be serious in our repentance because repentance really means to turn away from our old ways of life and to sin no more; and
(3) Be aware of the omnipresence of God because it keeps us vigilant when we are alone.

Let's commit ourselves to be an example of purity.














Youth Bible School Sunday Worship


10 October 2010

Venue is at 1st Music Room!!

Worship Leader: Jonathan Chong
Pianist: Zane Yew
Guitarist: Veronica Chew
Ushers: Janice Lim, Benjamine Ng, Lim Bingguo
Usher I/C: Gladys Sim
Logistics & AV Crew: Marcus Yeo & Esmond Lee

Under-17:Normal Lesson

"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:24

Last update: 21 September 2010




招待员:林宛霖, 黄伟杰, 林秉国
总务 & 音响:杨圣捷,李敬智


“神是灵,敬拜他的必须用心灵按真理敬拜他。” 约翰福音 4:24


Young Adults Fellowship Programme


Activity: Sharing by Rev. Dr. James Ng
Date: 25 September 2010 (Sat)
Venue: Choir Room opp Church Office
Time: 7 - 9 pm
In-Charge: Bro Gareth Liew

Do check with programme IC or
Chairperson (Bro. Gareth Liew) for details.

Last update: 21 September 2010


活动: 黄克明牧师 分享
日期: 2010年9月25日(六)
地点: 办公室对面的音乐室
时间: 傍晚7时正至9时正
负责人: 廖仕佳弟兄


Disclaimer: GUM Young Adult Fellowship is known as 青成团契.


GUM Fellowship Programme 青年团契节目


Activity: No Activity
Date: 25 Sept 2010 (Sat)
Venue : NA
Time: NA

Please contact chairperson (Corrine) or
vice-chairperson (Wen Han) for more details.

"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approach." (Hebrews 10:25)

Last update: 21 September 2010


活动: **没有活动**
日期: 2010年9月25日(六)
地点: **不适应**
时间: **不适应**
负责人: **不适应**


“我们不可放弃聚会,好像有些人的习惯一样;却要互相劝勉。你们既然知道那日子临近,就更应该这样。”(希伯来书 10:25)


Teachers' Day 2010

GUM Media Team 2010 wishes all youth mentors a Blessed Teachers Day


Photos avaliable for upload

The photos for the following events are avaliable for download:

Youth Day' 2010 _27.06.10_088 YBS Youth Day Celebrations - 270610 (青少年培训青年节庆祝)

Worship Nite 2010-SLP_07.08.10_008 Worship Nite 2010.SLP. - 070810 (赞美之夜2010)

WN 2010 behind the scenes_01.08.10_008 Worship Nite 2010.SLP.behind the scenes-010810 (赞美之夜幕后工程)

GPC Youth Sunday 2010_18.07.10_020 GPC Youth Sunday 2010 180710 (长老会荣耀堂青少年主日2010)

Sisters Day 2010_01.08.10_001 YBS Sisters Day 2010 - 010810 (青少年培训姐妹日2010)

Photos are also avaliable on Facebook & Flickr.

Please contact GUM Media Team 2010 should you faced any difficulites in obtaining the photos.


The photos avaliable on Flickr and Facebook are the property of GUM. GUM reserves the rights to remove the photos from the social media sources at any point of time. Photos are strictly avaliable for youths/mentors of GUM.

GUM Media Team 2010

Photo-taking session

Dear all,

Please be informed that we will be taking class photo this coming sunday (29th August 2010) during YBS Teachers Day celebrations.

Thank You.

GUM Media Team 2010

少年团契 Junior Youth Fellowship


Activity: Details with Bro Edmund
Date: 7 Aug 2010 (Sat)
Venue: Music Room
Time: 5pm - 6.30pm
In-Charge: Bro Edmund Chew

Do check with Bro Edmund Chew for details.

Last update: 13 July 2010


活动: 请向周悯海弟兄查询
日期: 2010年8月7日(六)
地点: 音乐室
时间: 傍晚5时至6时半
负责人: 周悯海弟兄



Hello ,
This sunday { 22.05.2010 } is global day of prayer , & you all are invited to participate
in a grand event held at the indoor stadium at 7pm, If you all have any further enquires or need someone to go with , you may contact JOEY . Also , for all leaders , please inform your class about this event , thank you very much. Hope to see you all there !

P.S : Sorry for the late notice coming up.

导师分享 Teacher's Sharing













Devotion time is a moment of blessing, a time between me and God.

And I feel that mornings are the best times to have quiet time before Him.

After every QT, I feel moved;
I receive power; I have hope;
I gain freedom; I attain faith;
I see light; I acquire revelation!

I am recharged after every quiet time with Him.

These are my recent revelations from quiet time:

The Gospel of John teaches us to have faith.

The First Book of John although short, is deep in meaning. It teaches us to love! We must live in the light of the Lord, in the love of the Lord, and in the life of the Lord.

Another book written by John titled Revelations gives us Christians Hope.

And this leads me to this word of encouragement I would like to give every student in YBS:
Have Faith, Hope and Love, and of these, Love is the greatest!

Sis Lin Yuan Yuan
(YBS Teacher)

Disclaimer: This article was translated from Chinese to English.
Should there be any discrepancies, please refer to the Chinese version.

Easter is not simply just a holiday

Because He lives, We can face tomorrow.

Because of this great love that our Lord Jesus Christ rise from the dead, we can live to testify.

Fellow brothers and sisters, Easter is a lot more than bunny, decorated egg. it is all about love, peace and forgiveness. Because of love, there was this one man called Jesus for died for every mankind that everyone could received forgiveness of their sins resulting in inner peace inside every man. Brothers and sisters, you are special and Jesus love us so so much! May your life filled with joy and abudant blessings!

联合团契/ Combined Fellowship

This is a reminder for all who has submitted your names to attend this special combined fellowship by the Young Adults fellowship and Youth Fellowship to partake the Lord's Last Supper.

Let us prepare our hearts before coming to attend this event.

Take some time to think on the great love our Lord has for us. From when God created Man and sinned against Him, God was angry and disappointed with Man.

But, because He loved us, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die for us on the cross. Because of this, we, as Man can reconciled with God.

Remember its 7pm at the covered corridor in church :)

Do come early to help set up the tables and chairs!

Last but not least, do take this oppoturnity to share the gospel with your non-christian friends about how great is the Love of God for He (Jesus Christ) has no sins but died for us (Man) who are just merely sinners.

Holy Week devotional materials- Thurs to Sat

Dear all,

Devotional materials for Thurs to Sat.

Thursday April 1, Crucifixion and death of Jesus on the cross, providing removal of our sins, the Feast of Unleavened Bread is fulfilled

Friday April 2, The tomb of Jesus is sealed by the Romans, spices and ointments are purchased and prepared to further anoint the body of Jesus

Saturday April 3, The tomb of Jesus remains sealed, Sabbath day

May the Lord bless all who read His Word
Devotional materials are taken from http://www.basicchristian.org

Holy Week sharing / 受难周分享

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

This week marks the Holy Week in the Christian calender. As we remember how Christ died for us on the sins when He has no sins at all, He rose from the dead and give us Hope. Let us share on what Easter means to you.


这星期是受难周。 让我们在思想我们的主耶稣,一个无罪的人却为我们而死。可是,他在三天后复活给我们盼望。让我们一同分享复活节对我们有什么意义。

Maundy Thursday service 受难礼拜

The church Chinese congregation will be holding a special service this Thursday (1st April 2010) at 8pm in the Main sanctuary. This service to remember the day when Christ agrees to die for our sins. Brothers and sisters are encouraged to attend this service and partake the Holy Communion.


Holy Week devotional materials- Mon to Wed

Dear all,

Devotional materials for Mon to Wed.

Monday March 29, The Pharisees dispute the authority of Jesus & the Mt. Olivet discourse is given

Tuesday March 30, Judas agrees to betray Jesus

Wednesday March 31, The New Covenant of Jesus. God agrees to die for our sins; therefore death has "Passed us Over." The Feast of the Lord's Passover is fulfilled

Devotional materials are taken from http://www.basicchristian.org

L.I.F.E. - Love

We are tempted by worldly things like money and lust. With temptations standing in the way, this cause us to be away from God. However, God is always there waiting for us to run back to Him.

Experience the Last Supper

Come and experience how it might have been like to partake of the Lord's supper with similar food that Jesus and his disciples might have had on the night of his betrayal.

Come with a humble heart and open mind, that we may gain a deeper understanding of the significance of the Lord's final supper on earth, that we may ultimately be prepared to partake of his banquet when he comes again.

This is a combined event between 青年团契 和 青成团契

Date: 3rd April 2010

Time : 7pm - 830pm

Venue : Glory Presbyterian Church, 长老会荣耀堂

Fees : $5 per pax ( U.P $15)
(Price is subsidised by the 团契)

Please make your payment to the respective 团契 ICs.

Attendance to be confirmed by Monday, 29th March 2010.

You can also reply your attendance on Facebook. - The Lord's Supper -Event

For more information, please contact Bro Shi Jia ( 青成团契) or Sis Corrine (青年团契)

27 因此,无论什么人若用不合适的态度吃主的饼,喝主的杯,就是得罪主的身体、主的血了。28 所以人应当省察自己,然后才吃这饼,喝这杯。
歌林多前书 11:27-28


A video for us, as christians to reflect.

Easter 10 day timeline Devotion Jesus Walk for Jesus Walk for Easter Week 2010

Dear all,

As we enter the coming week. A week before Easter. Let us take some time to reflect and think of what our Lord, Jesus Christ have been through. Let us together truely understand the meaning of Easter.

GUM Media will be providing you with a 10 days Jesus Walk devotional materials for Easter.

Do use these materials for your quiet time and may you be blessed by the Holy Spirit from the Word.

Introduction - An Introduction and getting started on our journey with Jesus

TimeLine A Timeline and Biblical explanation of the events of the Ten Days

26th March 2010 ( Friday) Meeting up with Jesus and His disciples in Bethany

27th March 2010 ( Saturday) Palm Saturday the Triumphal Entry of King Jesus into Jerusalem, the Feast of Sabbath is fulfilled

28th March 2010 (Sunday) Jesus cleanses the Temple of moneychangers

devotional materials are taken from http://www.basicchristian.org

最痛的时候 - 主为我们受死,为的是把我们从罪中拯救出来。

Dear fellow brothers & sisters in Christ,

This month is the month of Lent. And in 2 weeks time, we remember the day Jesus rose from the dead. Have you ponder on why our King, with no sins would die for us? Reason being very simple. Because of His Love for us.

Let us take a moment to think about how great his love has for us. Let us think about the route Christ walked thru with the pain, mockings for us.

A king, with no sins died for us on the cross.

"16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[f] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son." John 4:16-18


May this video be a simple devotional video for your day ahead.

For those who has the 感动, feel free to share your thoughts on the video with our fellow Brothers & Sisters in Christ. Let us encourage each other through our simple sharing and grow together as a body in Christ :)




"新年蒙恩! "

Chinese New Year Glitter Graphics

长老会荣耀堂青少年事工 启

SYNOD Youth Games


to those who are tempted to CHEER like nobody's business.
to those who wants to find a companion to SCREAM your lungs out.
to those who needs to be a CHEERleader cos' its in your blood.

JOIN US in the upcoming games on 27th feb and cheer for those who are playing captain's ball and badminton.

if you find yourself wanting to CHEER really loudly, please look for Stellicia or Wanxuan for more details!


If you want to know more about us in English, click here!
荣耀堂青少年事工(中文部)简称 GUM 成立于2002年。GUM 事工包括:

  • 青少年培训 (YBS)

    时间:10am - 11.30am

  • 少年团契 (JYF)
    2010 年新成立为少年人而设的团契!适合年龄13至14岁的中一、中二学生)

    时间:5pm - 6.30pm

  • 青年团契 (YF)

    时间:5.30pm - 7.30pm

  • 青成团契 (YAF)

    时间:7pm - 9pm

  • 青少年外展部

About us

GUM (Glory United youth Ministry) is the youth ministry of Glory Presbyterian Church (Chinese Congregation) formed in 2002. As of today, GUM is made up of:

  • Youth Bible School (YBS)
    For youths aged 13-20 (Sec 1 - J2, polytechnic and university students)

    Held every Sunday
    Time: 10am - 11.30am
    Venue: Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School
    2nd Level Praise Room & 5th Level classrooms

  • Junior Youth Fellowship (JYF)
    A new fellowship catered for youths aged 13-14 (Sec 1 & sec 2 students)

    Held on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month
    Time: 5pm - 6.30pm
    Venue: Glory Presbyterian Church
    Our activities, time & venue changes time to time.
    For more information, contact Bro Edmund Chew.

  • Youth Fellowship (YF)
    For youths aged 16-20 (Sec 4 - J2, NSFs, polytechnic and university students)

    Held on the 1st till 4th Saturday of every month
    Time: 5.30pm - 7.30pm
    Venue: 2nd Music Room, Glory Presbyterian Church
    Our activities, time & venue changes time to time.
    *Once youths reach the age of 21, they will be promoted to join the YAF

  • Young Adults Fellowship (YAF)
    For young adults aged 21-28 (Working adults, NSFs, university students, etc)

    Held on the 2nd till 4th Saturday of every month.
    Time: 7pm - 9pm
    Venue: Glory Presbyterian Church

  • Youth Outreach Ministry
    Involved in sports, mission trips (local and overseas), Arts and Film Club, Pei Hwa Ministry, Synod Youth Ministry, annual events, etc...
Related posts:

Youth Outreach Ministry 2010 青少年外展部 2010

GUM 外展部 GUM Outreach
宗旨 Mission

教导青少年明白并 实行主的大使命
Teaching youths to understand and execute the Great Commission

对内 Internal

Building friendships,
loving one another

对外 External

To spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations

主席/Chairperson:  许丁毅长老
副主席/Vice-Chairperson : 郑以涵姐妹
文书/Secretary: 周珊珊姐妹
特委/Member:杜镇森弟兄 Bro.Vincent 纪秋香执事


中国/China : 郑以涵姐妹 Sis.Yi Han 李佳仪姐妹 Sis. Joey
柬埔寨/Cambodia: 周珊珊姐妹 Sis Shan Shan 翁宇欢姐妹 SisYii Huan
泰北/Northern Thailand : 郑以涵姐妹 Sis Yi Han
西马/ West Malaysia: 翁宇欢姐妹 Sis Yii Huan
新加坡/ Singapore : 黄依欣姐妹 Sis Yi Sin 邱慧勤姐妹 Sis Hui Qin
哈哈俱乐部/ Happy Friends Club : 张嘉名弟兄 Jamin
委员/Member : 翁宇航弟兄 Bro Yii Han

Last updated:8 Feb 2010

青少年培训导师团 2010 YBS Teachers Committee 2010

主任/训练/Superintendent/Training : 许丁毅长老 Eldr.Justin Khor
副主任/Assistant Superintendent/Music : 王恩显导师 Bro.Rain Ong
行政/Administration:林媛媛导师 Sis Yuan Yuan 庄婉行导师 Sis Michelle Chng
辅导/ Counsellor :纪秋香执事 王恩显导师 Bro.Rain Ong 陈顺昌导师
音乐/ Music:林宛洁导师 Sis Sophia Lim
同工/Co-Worker :周悯海弟兄 Bro.Min Hai





青少年培训委员会 2010 Youth bible school committee 2010

主席/Chairperson:  邓郡泓 Kenneth
副主席/Vice-Chairperson : 林宛璇 Wan Xuan
文书/Secretary: 杜钰微
财政/ Treasurer: 沈怡瑾 Gladys 杜俊融 Jong
音乐/ Music: 陈宇松 Yu Song 邱镇延 Zane
关怀/Care Ministry: 卓全美 Quan Mei 罗正洋 Zheng Yang
接待/Ushers: 黄凤霖 Jasmine 林宛霖 Wan lin
总务,音响/ Logistics :李敬智 Esmond Lee 杨圣捷 Marcus Yeo 李承骏 Michael Lee

Disclaimer: This committee list does not include sub-committee

合一青年团契委员会2010 GUM Youth Fellowship committee 2010

顾问/ Advisors: 叶荣德传道/许丁毅长老

导师团: 程国团导师 Orsony 沈慧思 Stellicia

团长 :  邢洁慧 Corrine Heah

副团长: 谢文瀚 Wen Han

文书/ Secretary: 张靖宏 Jing Hong

财政/ Treasurer: 黄洁敏 Jie Min

关怀/ Care Ministry : 吴瑞琪 Adeline

节目/Programme: 任静宜 Grace Yam

Our Mission Statement 2010


Our Mission Statement
To worship God
To learn the Word
To fellowship
To evagelise
To serve God and People

2010 Glory Presbyterian Church Theme
Disciple-making- Life Renewal

2010 church Theme Verse

"1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. "
Romans 12:1-2

Youth Ministry Theme Verse

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
- Matthew 28:18-20 -

Youth Bible school Theme Verse
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set
an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity
-1 Timothy 4:12-

Glory United Youth Fellowship Theme Verse
I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may
be one as we are one, in them and you in me. May they be brought to
complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have
loved them even as you have loved me.
-John 17:22-23-


If you would like to see our English Mission Statement, click here!



1 所 以 弟 兄 们 , 我 以 神 的 慈 悲 劝 你 们 , 将 身 体 献 上 , 当 作 活 祭 , 是圣 洁 的 , 是 神 所 喜 悦 的 。 你 们 如 此 事 奉 , 乃 是 理 所 当 然 的 。 2 不 要 效 法 这 个 世 界 。 只 要 心 意 更 新 而 变 化 , 叫 你 们 察 验 何 为 神 的善 良 , 纯 全 可 喜 悦 的 旨 意 。

- 罗 马 书 12:1-2 -


"耶稣进前来、对他们说、天上地下所有的权柄、都赐给我了。 所以你们要去、使万民作我的门徒、奉父子圣灵的名、给他们施洗.〔或作给他们施洗归于父子圣灵的名〕 凡我所吩咐你们的、都教训他们遵守我就常与你们同在、直到世界的末了"


- 提摩太前书 4:16-

- 约翰福音 17:16-23 -

GUM Youth Ministry Committee 2010


合一青少年事工委员会 2010







AdvisorPr. Peter Yip
ChairpersonEld. Justin Khor
Vice-Chairperson / CounsellorDcn. Kee Chiew Hiang
AdministrationSis. Agnes Sim
Sis. Veronica Chew
Research & DevelopmentBro. Orsony Cheng
MultimediaBro. Orsony Cheng
Bro. Isaac Wong
Bro. Joshua Ng
EditorialSis. Elaine Yu
Sis. Grace Heah
PublicitySis. Michelle Chng
Sis. Chong Jing Hui
InformationSis. Ho Ying Shan
Sis. Julinda Chan

District ICs
Under-17 DeptBro. Rain Ong
Under-21 DeptEld. Justin Khor
Young AdultsPr. Peter Yip

Bro. Vincent Toh
Sis. Cai Ya Ju (Sunday School Rep.)
Sis. Stellicia Sim (Synod Youth Rep.)
Bro. Kenneth Tung (Youth Bible School Rep.)
Sis. Corrine Heah (Youth Fellowship Rep.)
Bro. Edmund Chew (Junior Youth Fellowship Rep.)
Sis. Eileen Tay (Outreach Dept Rep.)

Editorial AdvisorPr. Peter Yip
EditorEld. Justin Khor
Executive EditorSis. Elaine Yu
Editor (English)Sis. Grace Heah
Editor (Chinese)/ProofreadingSis. Pauline Sim
Editor (Chinese)/ProofreadingSis. Goh Li Ning
Editor (English)/ProofreadingSis. Daisy Chan
DesignBro. Isaac Wong

Related posts:

Happy Friends Club Registration

Hey! Do you have trouble with your school homework?
Having difficulty finding time to study during weekends?

If you are, why don't you join the Happy Friends Club?
We are a group of students who are willing to help you out with your homework. Consultation sessions are on Sundays from 2:30pm to 4:30pm starting on the 17 Jan 2010 at the youth room (opp church office).

If you wish to sign up, please click here and fill up the form!
We will try as much as possible to cater tutors for your subjects.

As a side note, do bring your textbooks as we currently do not have the syllabus for the different standards.

Schedule for March to May
March 7 14 21 28
April 41118 25
May29 16 2330
Blue indicates consultation dates.
7 Mar End of Term 1 Exam
4 Apr Combined Service - Easter Sunday


Hi all!!

Please note that photos for SOS camp have been uploaded on flickr.

1. Day 3

2. Day 4

Photos are also uploaded on facebook.

For more information, please approach the GUM Media Team.

GUM Media Team 2010

Greetings !

Hi all!!

Here's wishing U all a Very Belated Happy New Year :)

May the New Year be a fruitful year for all !

May everyone grow stronger in Christ as one big GUM family :)

GUM Media Team'2010