Easter 10 day timeline Devotion Jesus Walk for Jesus Walk for Easter Week 2010

Dear all,

As we enter the coming week. A week before Easter. Let us take some time to reflect and think of what our Lord, Jesus Christ have been through. Let us together truely understand the meaning of Easter.

GUM Media will be providing you with a 10 days Jesus Walk devotional materials for Easter.

Do use these materials for your quiet time and may you be blessed by the Holy Spirit from the Word.

Introduction - An Introduction and getting started on our journey with Jesus

TimeLine A Timeline and Biblical explanation of the events of the Ten Days

26th March 2010 ( Friday) Meeting up with Jesus and His disciples in Bethany

27th March 2010 ( Saturday) Palm Saturday the Triumphal Entry of King Jesus into Jerusalem, the Feast of Sabbath is fulfilled

28th March 2010 (Sunday) Jesus cleanses the Temple of moneychangers

devotional materials are taken from http://www.basicchristian.org