24 hours fasting & prayer for 'The Promise' Musical/ 音乐剧“承诺”布道会 24 小时禁食祷告

Please join this 24 hr Fasting & Prayer starting from Sunday 26 October, 6pm till Monday 27 October, 6pm. There will be a Break Fast Service on 27 October 2008, 4.30pm at Katong Presbyterian Church.

齐来参与承诺音乐剧24小时的禁食祷告,10月26日(星期天)下午6时至10月27日(星期一),下午6时. 邀您来出席解禁祷告崇拜会,10月27日,下午4时半,地点:加东长老会。
For more information and registration for the above 'Break Fast' Service, you may login to
Prayer Items :
Pray that we will achieve the following three objectives of The "Promise" Musical Rally:
1. To unite all Presbyterian Churches / 团结所有长老会堂会
2. To do evangelism through the musical /音乐剧为佈道会桥梁
3. To raise fund for two of the five PEC schools – Grace Orchard ($1.8 m) and Presbyterian High School ($2.35 m) / 为两所长老会所属的学校筹款(长老会中学及恩园学校)