exciting and interesting event coming up!

as you can see from the title, EXCITING AND INTERESTING event COMING UP!!

yup!hoorah people.

anyway this sunday is THE event.


isnt it just plain interesting and exciting?
we'll get to see our youths making a fool of themselves just for our dao shi-s.
OKIE!just joking!
we put in our heart and soul just for them for this particular day.
not only we get to see different stuff done by our own interesting youths we will get to have some exciting games!

so isnt it interesting and exciting?

so do join us okie??
for this is the day we get to thank our dao shi-s with actions!

so funky!!!!!

p.s. i first time blog here so try to be excited also la..

p.s.s. scroll down and you'll see a voting thingy. go vote! so we can get an idea on what you guys want from this blog.